Thursday, May 12, 2011


It has been brought to my attention that I haven't updated this in a while. So, I'll do my best to summarize the past few months. We had our mid-service in March (only 9 months into being in country), but it was exactly what I needed. We brought our counterparts and planned out what projects we want to do and how we want to execute them. Being able to share project ideas with our fellow volunteers, seeing what has and hasn't worked and what motivates their communities was a great way to encourage us as volunteers to continue what we are doing. Following the mid-service conference, we had a grief and loss session. A session aimed at helping us to overcome losses in the past, present, and those we will be experiencing in the future. Swaziland is said to be one of the most difficult Peace Corps countries to serve in due to the amount of death we deal with. My own personal reminder is the fact that I'm being invited to more funerals than to weddings. Such a heavy burden weighs down on the soul. It's no wonder Swaziland once held the highest Peace Corps Early Termination (end of service) rate.

Following that week, I had a lovely 2 days relaxing, hanging out, and catching up with my fellow volunteers. It was absolutely wonderful! I also booked my flight to see my parents in a few months. Something that I really can't wait for because of: 1) Westernized countries- reliable transportation, and no crazy animals/insects finding their way into my hut and bed 2) SHOWERS on a regular basis 3) FOOD 4) Seeing my parents after a year away from home and 5) The OCEAN!!! It will be rejuvenating for the body, mind, and spirit. Luckily for me, swimming lessons using a hotel's facilities have begun and I'm beyond ecstatic. April 26th marked the 10th month anniversary of being in Swaziland. Our Peace Corps Country Director (CD) is returning home this month and we celebrated her service, time, and commitment to Swaziland with a ringing out ceremony in late April. Following the ceremony, PCV's from groups 6, 7, and 8 celebrated in true Peace Corps form- eating and drinking as much as possible, of course while watching the Royal Wedding and trying to spot Swaziland's Royalty on television. PC Swaziland's New CD is in training and we will have the pleasure of meeting him in June when Group 9 comes to Swaziland. BUT the absolute BEST part of it all- IT'S FINALLY WINTER!!! No more 120+ degree days and waking up at 5am drenched in sweat. I have never been happier to see winter come and summer go.

Making International Headlines

It's been a while since my last entry and A LOT has happened. Some of you may have read the articles I've been posting on facebook but for those of you who haven't and are curious, here's what's been going on.

-Following the outbreak in Egypt, students in Swaziland decided to hold their own protest against the government. The protest ended in them being dispersed by teargass. Protests are illegal here and an application must be submitted and approved in order to hold one.

-Swaziland had requested to purchase arms from the UK. Britain denied the request but a little while later a suspicious shipment came in from Mozambique. That shipment was later identified as arms.

-The government has no money. Civil servants were not getting paid.

-The King has given himself a 24% raise.

-The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has agreed to give Swaziland a loan if they make certain adjustments to the government.

-Nurses, students, and teachers all joined in on a peaceful protest held in March. The largest protest this country has ever held.

-President Zuma of South Africa called for a private meeting with King Mswati III the day before the protest took place. ANC Youth League of South Africa also voiced their opinions.

-What some referred to as the "Mother of All Protests" and others were calling it the beginning of a "Revolution", a large protest was scheduled for 3 days starting on April 12th, the day when political parties were banned 34 years ago. The week before the protests were scheduled to take place, the Prime Minister declared all protests that week illegal. The days leading up to the protest, the streets were heavily patrolled by armed guards and policemen.

-International African trade unions have requested the African Union Commission (AUC) to intervene.

-Swazi labor unions are planning monthly protests.

It goes without saying that this is a very strange and difficult time not only for me, but for this naturally peaceful country who has never seen war. This has been the first time I've ever seen such a heavy presence of guards and policemen armed with AK 47s, tanks in the cities, and a large amount of road blocks. It's alarming. My heart goes out to every country in this world who is currently in a war, who faces genocide, and those who have been and are currently facing heavy political unrest. There is so much death and destruction in this world and it makes me sick. Will human kind ever be rid of the thirst addiction of blood and power?