Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Peace Corps Journey: Most Memorable Moments in Swaziland

1. Meeting the 39 volunteers I was to spend the next 27 months with in Atlanta, Georgia.

2. Stuffing my face with sushi as my last meal in America.

3. Throwing my phone away.

4. Arguing with the airport workers that Swaziland and Switzerland are NOT the same place. It is crucial that our bags end up in the correct country.

5. Waiting to board the plane to South Africa and watching the World Cup game: U.S. vs. Ghana. Me being the only person in the airport cheering on Ghana.

6. Spending the night in JNB (Joburg Airport), while a World Cup game was going on just outside.

7. Arriving in Matsapha, Swaziland- an airport smaller than the Kona airport.

8. Our first night in country having our Medical Officer show us videos of RPCVs living with HIV. Being terrified and scared shitless.

9. Moving in with my AMAZING and WONDERFUL training host family.

10. The U.S. Ambassador, Earl Irving, coming to our small July 4th party.

11. Fighting for cookies and turning ALL topics to Las Vegas during our Language Training Sessions. Sophia, Rob and I were definitely the best and most productive group.

12. Having sessions in broken down buildings, under trees, and in rodevals (huts).

13. Our Medical Officer forgetting to mix fluids for our vaccination shots. Having to take it twice.

14. Alcohol Day, Cooking Day, and Mental Health Day were the BEST sessions. Yes, we got to taste local alcoholic beverages, a day set aside to learn how to cook, and a day devoted to learning how to stay sane. Informative, fun and looking back on it- very much needed.

15. Going on a field trip to Sondzela’s Game Park. Seeing wild zebras, wilderbeasts, crocodiles, and hippos for the first time.

16. On the Job Training (OJT) from hell. In the 3 days spent at my future site: someone stole airtime/money from me, I learned that I was going to be stuck with the worst project in PC history-building a dam, my counterpart had intimidated and tried to persuade me to write proposals for more water projects, walked about 15 miles in one day, slept on the floor with rats and bats, not having enough water to bathe, getting attacked by mosquitos, learning that a man had recently raped 2 young girls in a homestead not too far away, and finding out how terrible my transportation was. On the upside, I met my nearest PCV (about a 3 hour walk) and despite EVERYTHING, I knew if I could stick it out, it’d be the BEST experience of my life.

17. Being Sworn In as Peace Corps Volunteers in an old gym. We were required to set up and strike our own party. They ran out of food. Most of us left hungry and tired. Despite it being absolutely terrible, we were stoked because we were FINALLY free and moving into our permanent homes.

18. Moving in, and having PC assist me in getting my water barrels filled (along with the 10 extra water containers from my host family). Took 3 hours for 3 PCVs and 2 PC staff to fill ALL water containers from the borehole. WELCOME HOME SHAUNA!

19. Walking, relaxing, swimming, having picnics near/in the dam. 3 months later- finding out there are CROCODILES in there. Thank you community members who despite my questions about wild animals- laughed at me and said it was ok to swim in.

20. Cows knocking over my bucket full of collected rainwater. It was devastating.

21. Celebrating my 22nd birthday in my hut with good friends!

22. Dealing with rats the size of cats, bats, scorpions, tarantulas, frogs, centipedes, and some crazy weird bugs in my hut for 2 years.

23. Running away from snakes- mainly black and green Mambas on my homestead.

24. Attending my first Traditional wedding.

25. Walking for my water in a broken wheelbarrow, uphill and in sand. (Refer to blog post 2010)

26. Having my trucks and khumbis get stuck in sand, then having to push the vehicle out of the sand, while running away from black mambas. This happened more times than I can possibly count.

27. Getting struck by lightning. During an intense lightning storm, my hut was hit. There was a loud boom on my roof, sparks flew out of my socket, and my body went into convulsions. I called my friend to verify that I was indeed alive.

28. My mode of transportation are trucks -which they fill to the absolute limit. Trucks are not certified so when the police are out- I have no transportation. One day we had been waiting for 4 hours to get back. Finally we ended up going but through a different route and through the bushes. In turn we ended up losing our gas cap, people’s belongings, the side mirror, and scarily, the tailgate which I was partially leaning on. Every time something flew off we’d have to run after the item and retrieve it. As the police were still out, we had to send someone to check the roads ahead and make sure it was clear. One of the craziest transport experiences to date.

29. Celebrating Thanksgiving at the U.S. Ambassador’s house. BEST THANKSGIVINGS EVER. Thank you Earl Irving! (Refer to past blog posts about it.)

30. My youth clubs <3

31. MOZAMBIQUE. African vibe, Latin Influence, Salsa dancing, Island living= AMAZING time. Minor Precaution: Beware of corrupt cops in Maputo.

32. Hostel Takeover= the first of MANY PC parties and events.

33. Marula Festivals! 2011 and 2012. Refer to blog posts.

34. Attending PC trainings: In-Service Training, Mid-Service Training, Grief and Loss, Medical Mid-Service, All Volunteer Conference, and Soka Uncobe trainings.

35. SOKA UNCOBE (Male Circumcision)- fun trainings, great times, and awesome project to be a part of. Brought about many important conversations on health and HIV.

36. Changing of Country Directors. Changing of Assistant Peace Corps Director and Programming Director. For all intents and purposes, let’s just say it was ROUGH and made for a challenging service.

37. BUSHFIRE! Southern Africa’s largest music festival (2011 and 2012)

38. J-Bay Surf Trip (see blog post July 2011).

39. Being sick for 6 months. The lowest point- fainting in the latrine at night and unsure how long I was passed out with one arm out the door and hugging the “toilet”. (See blog post )

40. Germany, Italy, and France. Seeing my parents after a year living in Africa. (See blog post September 2011)

41. Medical Mid Service- pooping in cups. Enough said.

42. Camping Trips at NGWEMPISI GORGE! By far my favorite place in Swaziland. (See blog posts October 2011/December 2011)

43. Halloween spent at a PCV homestead. Dressing up, creating costumes, and teaching the children how to knock and ask for candy. Cultural Exchange at its finest!

44. HhoHho Shenanigans! All my Hhos coming together monthly for some fun and adventure within our communities.

45. 2 best friends’ weddings. Though I’ve missed a lot back home, I’ve been blessed to make such wonderful and loving friends in Swaziland. Most importantly, I’ve been able to share their special day with them.

46. Christmas and New Years Craziness! Included but not limited to camping, hiking, falling, dancing, music, and injuries.

47. Hlane National Game Park Camping- lying awake at 10pm listening to the lions roar then waking up in the morning and watching hippos, giraffes, elephants, rhinos, crocodiles, and many other animals gather at the watering hole.

48. Teaching Swim Lessons to 100+ adorable children for 2 years. Some of my happiest memories.

49. Tuesday/Thursday Prayer Meetings on my homestead. They consist of yelling, screaming, shouting, and lots of singing.

50. Painting murals and community buildings with friends, family, neighbors, and community members. (see blog post March 2011)

51. Teaching in the schools. The joy your receive watching your students flourish and grow with excitement from learning.

52. Learning that I quite enjoy corporal punishment- then realizing I could never become a teacher in the States.

53. Bringing home a puppy for my family only to have it vomit, poop, and pee ALL over me multiple times in the first 30 minutes of travelling. It took 4 hours to get home and 3 different modes of transportation. The puppy also had worms so I was covered in them as well. Ranks as a top contender for the worst transportation rides EVER.

54. Being able to watch my GLOW clubs grow and strengthen and see the girls gaining valuable knowledge from it. (see blog post on Camp GLOW April 2012)

55. Falling asleep to the soothing drums of the traditional healer in the homestead next door.

56. Being sick and stuck in the Peace Corps Office for over 2 weeks and eating the same meal every day. The upside: free internet all day, being able to eat meat, a bathroom, running water and getting to shower daily.

57. Building 2 libraries in my community. Helping the schools sort, label, and shelve 1,000 new books per school. A constant joy to see how excited teachers, parents, and children get at the site of books available for them to read.

58. Receiving gifts from friends, members of the community and from the ambassador. :D

59. 4th of July 2012- meeting G10 Volunteers at the Country Directors house, eating hot dogs, hamburgers, lighting fireworks, singing the national anthem and being chosen by the U.S. Ambassador to read the Declaration of Independence- while slightly tipsy off of 1 beer. How the times have changed!

60. Telling my Make (host mother) the date that Peace Corps is picking me up and her breaking down crying and telling me the best compliments.

61. Finish painting the pre-school and NCP. Spending my last few weeks in my community with friends, music, laughing, and painting HIV awareness advertisements.

62. Waiting for the Peace Corps vehicle to pick me up, waving goodbye to my family, and driving away.

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